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New Zealand's Willis: We have complementary trade ties with the US

New Zealand’s Finance Minister, Nicola Willis, said on Monday that the country has a very balanced and complementary trade relationship with the United States. Willis added that she hopes to maintain a warm relationship in the future. 

Key quotes

New Zealand is distinguished in that we have a very balanced and complementary trade relationship with the United States. 

Hopeful of pursuing ongoing positive trade relationships with it.

Market reaction  

At the press time, the NZD/USD pair is down 0.15% on the day to trade at 0.5635. 

Tariffs FAQs

Tariffs are customs duties levied on certain merchandise imports or a category of products. Tariffs are designed to help local producers and manufacturers be more competitive in the market by providing a price advantage over similar goods that can be imported. Tariffs are widely used as tools of protectionism, along with trade barriers and import quotas.

Although tariffs and taxes both generate government revenue to fund public goods and services, they have several distinctions. Tariffs are prepaid at the port of entry, while taxes are paid at the time of purchase. Taxes are imposed on individual taxpayers and businesses, while tariffs are paid by importers.

There are two schools of thought among economists regarding the usage of tariffs. While some argue that tariffs are necessary to protect domestic industries and address trade imbalances, others see them as a harmful tool that could potentially drive prices higher over the long term and lead to a damaging trade war by encouraging tit-for-tat tariffs.

During the run-up to the presidential election in November 2024, Donald Trump made it clear that he intends to use tariffs to support the US economy and American producers. In 2024, Mexico, China and Canada accounted for 42% of total US imports. In this period, Mexico stood out as the top exporter with $466.6 billion, according to the US Census Bureau. Hence, Trump wants to focus on these three nations when imposing tariffs. He also plans to use the revenue generated through tariffs to lower personal income taxes.


Australia National Australia Bank's Business Conditions declined to 3 in January from previous 6

Australia National Australia Bank's Business Conditions declined to 3 in January from previous 6
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PBOC sets USD/CNY reference rate at 7.1716 vs. 7.1707 previous

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) set the USD/CNY central rate for the trading session ahead on Tuesday at 7.1716 as compared to the previous day's fix of 7.1707 and 7.3067 Reuters estimates.
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